Humor hat viele positive Auswirkungen auf unser Leben:
Humor fördert unsere Kreativität.
Humor schafft eine entspannte Atmosphäre.
Humor fördert die Produktivität. „Time flies when you have fun“.
Humor steigert unser Selbstbewusstsein. Mann muss über sich selber lachen können.
Humor hilft uns, mit unseren Fehlern umzugehen und uns selbst nicht so ernst zu nehmen.
Humor hilft uns zu lernen.
Humor steigert die Kommunikation im Privat- und Arbeitsalltag. Es ist die perfekte Ergänzung zur Kompetenz.
Humor hilft Konflikte zu lösen.
Humor verkauft!
Humor verbindet.
Humor hilft uns mit Lebens Herausforderungen umzugehen!
Humor kennt keinen Grenzen!
The benefits of humor:
Humor enhances our creativity. It is a major tool for solving problems and overcoming obstacles. We learn how to think outside the box!
Humor motivates and makes us more productive! When we enjoy what we do, we do it more and longer!
Humor helps us to get into the flow. It is the reason that time flies. „Time flies when you have fun!”
Humor helps to develop our self-esteem! One of the basic rules of using humor is to learn to laugh about yourself. It is a major milestone to increase your
Humor helps us cope with our mistakes and not take things so seriously.
Humor as a coping strategy to aid in dealing with daily stress, adversity or other difficult situations.
Humor increases our social competences and communication skillsboth in private and work settings..
Humor is essential for team building! Humor brings people together and increases team cohesiveness.
Humor attracts and retains A fun environment is a shopping magnet for many customers. The company vibes they feel are often as important as the quality of the product.
Leading with humor increases productivity and responsiveness.
Include humor in your presentation so people will listen to what you say.
Humor boosts morale and creates a relaxed working environment. Sharing a laugh with a few colleagues may improve the mood, which in turn improves the atmosphere, and people generally perceive this as positively affecting their ability to Fun and enjoyment are critical in peoples’ lives, and possibilities for colleagues to be able to laugh during work, banter or joke around, promotes harmony and a sense of cohesiveness.